Monday, September 2, 2013

Boob Toob Supplemental: All Music Videos Edition

By Dan Pua

Hi! Let's get right to it, shall we?

Sweet Dream by MFBTY

Horror story with some funky beats in under 4 mins. Kick ass music video even if I don’t understand what the song is about. That guy's not gonna be able to sleep for a week!

Hate You by 2NE1

You know how I love my animation... The girls from 2NE1 are in animated form and they have to track down some guy who blew up a nuclear power plant.

PONPONPON by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

I love this girl. Don’t ever stop being weird.

Connect by The Swiss

Cool video gamey video from a couple of Aussies. Check out the video here since I can't embed. You screwed me again, YouTube!

Attack on Titan Pingu

There are a lot of Attack on Titan parodies for the show's opening theme but this one’s my fave. Go watch Attack on Titan!