Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Boob Toob Supplemental: Back from the Dead!

By Dan Pua

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Real life stuff, you know how it is. *cough* video games *cough*

I've still been watching some stuff though and people still send me weird and whacky videos. Let's see...

Dumb Ways to Die

A bit late to the party, apparently it went viral late last year, but here’s a fun video made by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Australia as a rail safety public service announcement. I really like the character designs and the creative ways that they had those guys die.

If you go to their website at dumbwaystodie.com, you can get the song and click on some amusing things as well as viewing the video. They also have a fun game for the iPad and iPhone.


The Girlfriend Experience

I’ve never been with a sex worker and I think I’m ultimately too cheap to be with one although I have absolutely nothing against it. Not really sure how it came about but I’m interested in the people who work in the industry and also how it all works. This was a news segment from SBS 2’s The Feed featuring Gloria Van Vaulker. She shares her experiences and gives some insight into the lives of sex workers. Below is the promo but you can watch the full video here.

The Basics of Time Lapse Photography

Here’s a neat little video for anyone who’s interested in time lapse photography or just likes to see some cool time lapse photography videos. (Via Petapixel)

Captain Harlock live action trailer

I'm not even all that familiar with the original show but I’m a sucker for live action adaptation of manga/anime/video games…

Gatchaman live action trailer

I gush about this with Wendi (from the awesome Double Page Spread podcast) on an upcoming Boob Toob episode. Another live action adaptation of a beloved anime. GOD PHOENIX!


I don’t even… how do I... so much awesome… check it out!!

Best of Professor Farnsworth

Futurama is about to end. Soon there will be no more good news everyone.