Monday, January 4, 2016

boob Toob Supplemental: The Boob Toob Academy Award (aka The Boobies) Nominees 2015 (Bobgar's Picks)


Here are Bobgar's 2015 releases, in order watched with a simple 5 possible stars rating.
5* = Loved It
4* = Really Liked It
3* = 'salright
2* = Didn't Like it
1* = I need a Memory Enema

2015 in Theatres

  1. It Follows (2015) 5*
  2. Ex Machina (2015) 4*
  3. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) 2*
  4. Assassination (2015) 5* (South Korea)
  5. The Martian (2015) 4*
  6. Crimson Peak (2015) 4*
  7. Black Mass (2015) 4*

Home Movies

  1. Parallels (2015) 2*
  2. Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015) 4*
  3. Dawg Fight (2015) 3*
  4. Out of the Dark (2015) 1*
  5. Road Hard (2015) 3*
  6. Area 51 (2015) 1*
  7. Public Enemy Live From Metropolis Studios (2015) 4*
  8. Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015) 4*
  9. The Lazarus Effect (2015) 2*
  10. Dark Places (2015) 2*
  11. Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman (2015) 5*
  12. Terminator Genisys (2015) 3*
  13. Bound to Vengeance (2015) 1*
  14. The Culling (2015) 1*
  15. Child 44 (2015) 3*

 So top five movies watched by Bobgar this past year and Boobies 2015 Nominees are as follows...
  1. Assassination (2015) 5* (South Korea)
  2. It Follows (2015) 5*
  3. Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman (2015) 5*
  4. Ex Machina (2015) 4*
  5. Black Mass (2015) 4*
It's a solid list that I think speaks for itself. Something tells me that Ex Machina would be a 5* movie if I watched it again. It's certainly deserving of the rating. I rate the movies immediately so outside factors cannot color my perception of the movies.
I know Assassination wasn't watched by many but HOT DAMN, it is everything that you want in a movie, so long as you do not want English dialogue. Highest possible recommendation.
Black Mass, has a couple of cumbersome issues in the storytelling same as The Martian. Still great movies but really only in my top five because the small amount of movies that I saw this year and the lack of quality of some of those movies. Once again, not bad, just not The Boob Toob Academy Award (commonly referred to as the Boobies) winning fare, but I guess it defaults into having a nomination..
Now let see if we can get Dan and the other hosts to post their Boobies Nominations.
Bobgar "no, I haven't watched Star Wars VII yet" Ornelas

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