Thursday, December 6, 2012

WHYBW: Updates

What up boobers and toobers? It's Dan once again, blooging from the Northern Hemisphere for once. Not many readers might care about this but I thought I'd do a quick update on some of the WHYBW shows that I've mentioned in past Boob Toob episodes, just to see what I'm still watching and what I'm still digging.

Last Resort: I'm still enjoying it although the characters are getting a little comfortable where they are. I'd prefer if they weren't but not a big deal. It'll only be 13 eps though so I hope they wrap things up nicely.

666 Park Avenue: I'm a few eps behind. Still fun to watch but the fact that I'm behind means that it's not exactly must see tv for me at the moment. That said, I did a Melbourne vacation for a few days in Nov and now I'm in the Philippines for the whole of Dec so that'll mess up my viewing patterns.

Elementary: I think I'm only up to ep 3 or 4. It's fun but I'm happy to pile up eps. They really don't seem like Sherlock and Watson. I would've been fine if they had different names.

Homeland: Still loving it. Even the daughter storyline is becoming tolerable. I'm gonna try to get my in laws here in the Philippines into it. They've heard that it's good but they haven't seen it yet.

Sword Art Online: They're onto the second major story arc and I gotta say it's not as compelling as the first arc. Things slowed down quite a bit and there's a few story elements that I'm not all that interested in. It's almost over though so I'm happy to wait it out.

1 comment:

  1. "Homeland: Still loving it. Even the daughter storyline is becoming tolerable."

    I find it an interesting comment on society that the only complaints that I ever hear about the show is how much Dana "the daughter" is hated. The daughter is the only honest character trying to do the right thing, in her eyes, without deceit or harm to another. Every other character including Saul has used deceit and manipulation to achieve their ends. Why is the only character with a modicum of morality crucified for speaking out?

    Just fodder for thought.

    One last thing, I haven't forgotten about Chris, Dana's younger brother, because he has not made the leap to main character just yet. That and he's generally portrayed as a dullard.
