Thursday, October 2, 2014

Boob Toob Supplemental: Toob Raider edition

We got a new cat and named her Indy. Because she likes to explore. We did it as a joke after talking to fellow Boob Toober/Blooger/cat owner Rebecca but the cat seemed to respond to it so we just went with it. But enough of my life story, here's some videos and junk!

Raiding the Lost Ark

Really cool 'filmumentary' by Jamie Benning. This actually came out 2 years ago but just got around to seeing it recently. It's Raiders of the Lost Ark but spliced with supplementary material (in the form of audio, video, transcripts, pictures and even comics) related to the making of the movie. Really fun to watch especially if you like Raiders and/or Indiana Jones in general.

Staging Raiders

In case the above video wasn't enough for ya, here's Raiders in black and white and with a different score to help emphasise Steven Spielberg's staging techniques. The guy behind all this is director Steven Soderbergh and I guess he thinks very highly about Raiders from a visual staging standpoint.

No embeds but please go to this link for his write up as well as the video. Careful with that thang, Indy!

Korra Book 4 trailer

I can't believe this series is almost over. Just 4 books/52 episodes in total. I thought book (or season) 4 wasn't until next year but it'll be out this month. Maybe Nickelodeon wants it out of the way. Such a good series, one of my all-time fave animated shows. I'm gonna be sad when it's over and I hope they do another show set in the same universe.

Moonlight | Sony A7s ISO test

I'm into photography and I watch a lot of these kinds of tests but I normally don't post them here. This is pretty nice though. Shot using a Sony A7s and lit entirely by moonlight. Good job by Sony creating a sensor that performs really well at the higher ISOs and if I was more of a video guy, I wouldn't hesitate picking one up. (I have the A7 and it does really well with photos.)

Japanese GotG trailer

Yeah, I'm not done with the Guardians of the Galaxy love. Check out the Japan trailer. A lot more entertaining than the one we got.

I had a couple more GotG related stuff to post (one was the team's appearance in the Avengers Pokemon-like anime and the other was Chris Pratt's GotG/Marvel parody by SNL) but they seem to have been taken down from Youtube. Oh well. Watashi wa Groot!

Optical illusion

For those of you who like headaches...

I'll see you guys later! (Assuming you're still alive after watching that video.)

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