Thursday, January 30, 2014

Boob Toob Supplemental: I think I'm turning Japanese

Lots of stuff that probably won't make it to the next Boob Toob recording although I might try to squeeze some of them in anyway. First up...


I can watch a ton of these things non stop. So much more awesome than the ads we have here.

There’s a guy that puts together the week’s ads into a single video. Check out this link for his Youtube channel and see the video below for one of the compilations. That dude deserves a medal.

Btw I didn't even know Bruce Willis and Tommy Lee Jones have a series of ads in Japan. Neat-o!

Earn money while eating food in front of a camera

My dream job!

In case you were curious about the Aussie beach lifestyle

Make sure you don’t skip this one. Watch it!
(Thanks to our buddy Rowland Pearce for tweeting this video.)

The Almighty Johnsons promo

Sent in by fellow Boob Toob blogger person Rebecca. Norse gods reincarnated in New Zealand. Looks cool.

Pacific Rim Main Theme in 8bit

I love 8bit themes to death. 

Marvel's Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher trailer

Marvel Team-Up in anime! 

Some thoughts on the Marvel anime I’ve seen:

I haven’t been a fan of the Marvel anime. I’ve seen the Iron Man, X-Men and Wolverine anime series. 12 episodes each and it felt like they dragged on. Might’ve been better if it was half the length. They also had a Blade 12 episode series but I only saw one or two episodes (they were okay). They all looked good but the animation as a whole feels like last gen anime compared to the best anime being produced now. It’s like Madhouse gave the job to their rookie animators.

I also saw Iron Man: Rise of the Technovore which is a full length animated movie. It had some cool moments but the pacing wasn’t to my liking. I feel like some anime (or possibly the creators of that anime) get too caught up in themselves and the story that they want to tell that they forget to entertain the audience and keep them engaged.

All that said, I’m always gonna check out whatever Marvel decides to do in the anime department.

Best of Catbug

Just found out recently that Cartoon Hangover's Bravest Warriors season 2 began some time during the second half of 2013 so I'm catching up. You can see the Bravest Warriors episodes here. Gotta love Catbug!

Bee & PuppyCat

Another Cartoon Hangover cartoon. Pretty funny and weird.

Crazy Nic Cage

This is me whenever I finish recording with Bob.

If You Are The One

Just because I can't say it enough, check out episodes of this awesome Chinese dating show on the SBS On Demand site. Episodes are on there for 2 weeks after they air. So damn good. There will be riots if SBS ever stops airing it.

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