Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Boob Toob Supplemental: 45mins until my long weekend starts

Easter is upon us which means most people here in Australia get a 4 day weekend. If you plan it in advance (as some peeps in my department did) you can have almost 2 weeks off just by taking a few days off work. There's only 3 work days next week because we have Monday off and then Friday (April 25) is Anzac Day. So some people here took 3 days off next week and I won't be seeing them for almost 2 weeks. I'm already taking 2 weeks off at the start of May so I'll be staying put next week. It's all good, at least I get 2 long weekends in a row.

But you didn't come here to hear about my life story, right? You came here for some videos. Let's do this!

Origin of memes

If you ever wanted to know where your favourite memes came from, how's about you leave Britney alone (that's a meme, right?) and check out the video below. I can never ever ever get enough of Star Trek memes.

Japanese intro to the X-Men 90s cartoon

Pretty freaking epic. Thanks to either Billy Z (from Comic Book Bears) or Gerry McDade (the G in GXPod) for alerting me to this. I don’t know which one of them posted it because it was done on Facebook and I don’t know how any of it works. (Get off my back!) But apparently Jon Westhoff (the guy that says “and we’re baaaack” on E2P) originally posted it.

More info on the opening can be found here. I wish they did a whole series in this animation style.


Gotta catch... all the Avengers??

More Japanese Marvel goodness! This is the opening to Disk Wars Avengers. It sounds a lot like a mash up Earth's Mightiest Heroes with Pokemon. Thanks to Kross on the 11 O'Clock Comics forum for pointing this out. POKEVENGERS!

360° video made from 6 GoPro cameras

By Vimeo user j0n4s. This is pretty neat, I'd love to try something similar. I've embedded the video below but you'll want to check it out on Vimeo to see the original and better quality version. Mone info on how it was done can be found here (you may want to translate it in English).

4D? I barely have a handle on 3D!

Pretty trippy looking game called Miegakure. I may have to check this out. More info at Kotaku. FYI the 4th dimension is not time.

Shatner kills Shakespeare

Say whaaaat?!? Why would anyone wanna kill Billy Shakespeare? Watch the video below to find out. They used Legos to make it too and you know how popular Legos are these days. 

Speaking of Legos...

Check out these adults who get to play with Legos. That's exactly what I'm gonna do once I retire. Play Legos all day.

Best. Thing. Ever.

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